Once upon a time there was four candles lighten in a very cold dark night, the first candle said to the others am the peace and I think there is no one care about me there is war every where no one search for me, no one try to made me live long time, so there is no way to be here and am useless, then a cold breath came and be extinguished.
The second candle said I am the love that's no one feel me now a days I can't be there in the heart where I should be. There is no place for me in this world, the world in which hate is only thing people can do and suddenly it also goes out of light.
The third candle was the honest it said that no one care to be honest to the others only lies nothing but lies, so there is no place for it. It cant be here beside all this lies coz it will surly win the game then other breath came and take its light away.
After the three candles got out of light a little boy came, when he saw the candles goes out of light he started to cry but the fourth candle said to him don’t cry am still here am the hope you can light the other candles by me am the only way to bring the light back to the others, then the boy take the hope (candle) and light the peace, love and honest.
Finally by hope we can do everything that we think it will never be happen.